Basil Warren

Bank: National Provincial Bank

Place of work: Pinner branch

Died: 30 May - 1 June 1940


Basil Oliver Warren was born on 27 August 1919, the only child of Oliver William Warren and Winifred Irene Warren. He was educated at City of London School. 


In January 1936 Warren joined the staff of National Provincial Bank; the notes from his admission interview described him as ‘Fine, big lad. Suitable.’ He started as a probationer at London Lincoln's Inn branch, moved to Pinner branch the following year and was promoted to clerk in 1938.


On the outbreak of war Warren left the bank to serve in the armed forces, and by the following spring was an officer in the South Lancashire Regiment, on active service in continental Europe. Second Lieutenant Warren was killed in action during the Battle of Dunkirk, sometime between 30 May and 1 June 1940. He was 20 years old and the inscription on his gravestone reads 'He was young, he was brave, he was good, he was greatly loved. A perfect son.' 



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