Stanley Snow

Bank: Westminster Bank

Place of work: Southport branch

Died: 15 July 1943


Stanley Alan Snow was born on 18 June 1921, the son of George Henry and Gladys Snow. He joined the staff of Westminster Bank at its Southport branch in June 1939.


In October 1941 Snow left the bank to join the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. He went to Canada, and later the United States of America, to train as a pilot. After gaining his wings he returned to England, with the ambition of flying a Mosquito on intruder patrol. Rather than wait an unknown amount of time to be assigned to an operational unit, however, he undertook a course to become a flying instructor. Not long after completing that course, Sergeant Snow was killed in a flying accident on 15 July 1943. He was 22 years old.

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