Ian Stirton

Bank: National Provincial Bank

Place of work: Kensington Union Bank branch

Died: 22 January 1943


Ian Nicoll Stirton was born on 7 April 1908, the son of James and Clara Stirton. He joined the staff of National Provincial Bank in March 1925 as a probationer in the Advance Department, head office, London. He was promoted to junior clerk in September 1925 and moved to Richmond, Surrey branch in April 1926. He was promoted to clerk in April 1927, moved to High Holborn branch in June 1931, to Newport, Isle of Wight branch in October 1932 and to Union Bank branch, Kensington in April 1936. Outside of work he was an active member of Ealing Rugby Club, played squash and tennis and was a keen swimmer.


In July 1941 he left the bank to go on war service, joining the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. He completed his training in South Africa and was commissioned in May 1942. Flying Officer Stirton was killed on 22 January 1943 during an operational flight to lay mines off the Frisian Islands when his aircraft was shot down by Kriegsmarine flak and crashed. He was 41 years old and left a widow, Margaret, whom he had married in 1936, and a young daughter.

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