Norman Pollard

Bank: National Provincial Bank

Place of work: Huddersfield Westgate branch

Died: 9 July 1943


Norman Eric Pollard was born on 12 January 1921, the son of Rawson and Nellie Pollard of Wibsey, Bradford. He was educated at Bradford Grange High School. He joined the staff of National Provincial Bank at Huddersfield Westgate branch as a probationer in April 1938 and was appointed as a junior clerk at the same branch effective from July 1938, progressing to clerk in July 1940.  He was remembered in the bank as a keen sportsman.


He left the bank to go on war service in January 1941, joining the Royal Artillery. By 1943 he held the rank of Lieutenant and was on active service in Italy, attached to the South Staffordshire Regiment. Lieutenant Pollard was killed in action in Sicily on 9 July 1943. He was 22 years old and left a widow, Marjorie. 

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