Thomas Westby

Bank: Union of London & Smiths Bank

Place of work: Barnsley branch

Died: 31 December 1917


Thomas Westby was born on 24 August 1895. He worked for Union of London & Smiths Bank.


During the First World War Westby left his job at the bank's Barnsley branch to go on military service, and by 1917 he was a Lieutenant in the Royal Marine Light Infantry. He was killed in action in France on New Year's Eve 1917. He was 22 years old.

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Message of remembrance


Linda Hutton February 17 2015 3:06PM

Thomas Westby is remembered on the Holgate Grammar School Old Boys memorial in Barnsley. A detailed biography of him and all the other men on this memorial has been deposited in Barnsley Archives. Here is a link to his LFWW entry: