Harold Le Caudey

Bank: Parr's Bank

Place of work: Jersey branch

Died: 2 April 1918


Harold Lawrence Le Caudey was born on 3 December 1898. Known as Billy, he was brought up on Jersey and educated at the island's Victoria College. He was a choir soloist, a member of the Jersey Dickens Players and of Miss Peyton's Dramatic Company, and a member of the local YMCA. In 1915 he went to work for Parr's Bank.


In March 1917 Le Caudey left his job at the bank's Jersey branch to join the army. He was posted to France in November 1917, and served there as a Sapper in the Royal Engineers, attached to the 1st Cavalry Brigade. On 18 March 1918 he was very severely wounded in the thigh and face. His jaw was shattered, and his leg had to be amputated. He died of his injuries in hospital at Rouen on 2 April 1918. He was 19 years old.


Harold Le Caudey is commemorated on a bank war memorial at NatWest Jersey branch.

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