Thomas Joyce

Bank: National Provincial Bank of England

Place of work: Wellington branch

Died: 21 March 1917


Thomas Blount Joyce was born on 21 September 1890, the son of a farmer and his wife. In June 1907, when he was 16 years old, he went to work for National Provincial Bank of England, where his older brother Henry was already working. Thomas started as apprentice at the bank's Poole branch, and after completing his apprenticeship three years later was promoted to a clerkship there.


In August 1912 Joyce transferred to Barnstaple branch, and then in October 1914, to Bristol. In April 1915 he moved again, to Wellington, Somerset.


In April 1916 Joyce left the bank to go on military service. Acting Bombardier Thomas Blount Joyce of the Royal Garrison Artillery died of cerebral spinal meningitis in hospital at Devonport on 21 March 1917. He was 26 years old.

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